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E46 climate holder 16:9

Needed to relocate the climate control like origial 16:9 enviroment.
You also get the holder from ebay or directly from BMW
" a/c climate holder 16:9 "

following types are available:

51168202186 Holder with Single-switch (vertical gap between buttons), non-smoker
51168230902 Holder with Single-switch (vertical gap between buttons), smoker
51167001408 Holder with Multi-Button (no vertical gap between buttons), non-smoker
51167001410 Holder with Multi-Button(no vertical gap between buttons), smoker

We have only holder 51167001410 Multi-Button in stock, for other
versions please order at your BMW distributor

Ordering only possible in connection with
ordering a tft bezel, d-din bezel or mounting-kit

A/C climate holder 16:9 Order is only possible if you are buying or have bought already a e46 tft bezel or ddin bezel fr... 176,00 EUR